Taking an identity and app from 0 to 1
How I led the Branding and Product Design for a Sportstech app with less than 300 man hours
Project Manager, Brand Strategist, UX Designer
The Soccer Network is an app that allows users to bypass the inefficient Facebook Groups, or groupme platforms and apps.
Founder - Arturo
UI Designer - Alejandra
Who vets the people in facebook groups? Moderators have little information to reference regarding individuals in their groups, allowing bad actors to jump from group to group. How can we promote a safer sports environment while also planning our practices, games and even tournaments? 
Users can find soccer events near them, or when traveling.
Group moderators and team builders will have data to reference a player who uses the app.
Venues can sponsor and create paid events, allowing for a way to monetize the app.
Users can track their performance through scorekeeping and game statistics.
What Would I Do Differently?
While our designs did move quickly, I would have created the game plan of key screens more closely with developers. Their insight combined with other stakeholders could have helped us save time adjusting the theming of the M2 Design System.  Thankfully our partnership with the Founder/Main Developer was strong and we caught this potential time sink before it ended up taking more of our time. Our approach shifted to having the developers use the unstyled system to get start developing, working out any bugs, and while that was happening we would import a .json file with design styles that were mapped to their existing framework. Basically, we decided to build and establish the user experience first then adjust the interface visuals secondarily.
Everyone would agree that building partnerships within your team is important, but I've learned that interdepartmental collaboration can provide even more momentum that comes from different perspectives.